

Este o cercetare de complex a pieţii, care permite de a analiza detailat deprinderile şi preferinţele consumatorilor în raport cu categoria de produse cercetată şi mărcile acesteia.

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300x200-3 STUDIU

Este un monitoring regular a poziţiilor brand–ului în circumstanţe de concurenţă, care deţine o importanţă deosebită pe tot parcursul ciclului de viaţă a brand–ului.

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Un număr indicativ de cercetări sînt efectuate de către compania noastră in mod regulat începînd cu anul 2013.

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Această cercetarea permite companiei Dvs. să depisteze şi să-şi concentreze atenţia pe segmentele care au o perspectivă mai mare din punct de vedere al rentabilităţii.

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Un număr indicativ de cercetări sînt efectuate de către compania noastră in mod regulat anual.Studiul Media Index Study (MIS) reprezintă unica sursă de informaţie despre utilizarea mass-media în general şi despre fiecare sursă mass-media în parte.

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Cea mai bună metodă de a primi informaţie flexibilă şi de a iniţia ipoteze în cadrul sarcinilor de marketing, pe care le deţine compania.Cea mai bună metodă de a primi informaţie flexibilă şi de a iniţia ipoteze în cadrul sarcinilor de marketing, pe care le deţine compania.

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Una dintre cele mai populare tendinţe în cercetările de marketing, pe care noi o rezolvăm cu ajutorul hall-testului.

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Cea mai bună metodă pentru evaluarea nivelului de deservire a clienţilor prin folosirea unor persoane special instruite (cumpărători misterioşi).Cea mai bună metodă pentru evaluarea nivelului de deservire a clienţilor prin folosirea unor persoane special instruite (cumpărători misterioşi).

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Recenzii ale clienților

Mulți dintre clienții noștri revin regulat la noi pentru serviciul nostru prompt, profesional și la un preț rezonabil.
În ultimul deceniu am realizat cu succes sute de cercetări de piață în Moldova și în afara țării.

Publicis Moldova has 5 years experience of working with XPLANE team.
XPLANE as a well – organized company with quality
field work skills that make.
We definitely wish that our business relation with XPLANE continues in the future.
We have no doubts that XPLANE experience capabilities and resources will allow to
conduct marketing and social studies at a high quality level.

Publicis Moldova

After the recent collaboration, we are very pleased to recommend XPLANE, which we consider as one of the most professional players in the field.
XPLANE professionals supported us from the research design stage to the successful completion of each stage of the project.
We appreciate the XPLANE team as being very good at what they are doing. We recommend the XPLANE team for collaboration.


Since early 2015 Xplane have been conducting CATI fieldwork in Moldova as part of an international customer satisfaction study that we run for a major telecoms provider. They have worked hard to achieve a number of tight deadlines that we have had to work towards.They have been responsive to our requests and proactive in their communications throughout fieldwork, as such I would have no hesitation in working with them again.

GfK London

We have outlined a great number of researches with XPLANE. The team demonstrated a good work and deep knowledge of national peculiarities of our market.
We confirm that the well experienced specialists in the market researches are employed.
They offer to us not merely numerals, but qualitative marketing information, a full information support for making management decisions.


XPLANE is continuously providing qualitative and quantitative researches for ORANGE Moldova during the last 10 years. Our collaboration continues this year also.
During this time XPLANE managed to prove itself as the company possessing great experience and professionalism. XPLANE always demonstrates a qualitative results and deep knowledge of specifics of national market. XPLANE has well experienced specialists in the market researches.

ORANGE Moldova

XPLANE is continuously providing us with qualitative and quantitative researches, with excellent in marketing decisions. Our collaboration with XPLANE specialists has started more than 10 years ago.
Efes Vitanta Moldova Brewery monthly works with XPLANE and satisfied with results, appreciating the efficiency of XPLANE, s services.
We can confidently recommend XPLANE as a solid and reliable supplier, and a real expert in their field.

Efes Vitanta Moldova Brewery

GfK Ukraine has worked directly with XPLANE Moldova on qualitative surveys over the last 5 years.
XPLANE used all its researches and capacity to help GfK Ukraine successfully complete several projects by handling high quality qualitative projects (FGDs conducting) for the international clients. We are highly satisfied with the XPLANE performance.
We consider XPLANE to be a reliable research partner in Moldova and have no hesitation in recommending XPLANE Moldova.

GfK Ukraine

Our company has 10 years of experience of working with XPLANE team.
We consider XPLANE as a reliable research partner in Moldova.
MASMI appreciates XPLANE as well organized company with high quality field work skills that make XPLANE our preferred research supplier in Moldova.
We have no doubts that XPLANE experience, capabilities and resources will allow to conduct marketing and social studies at the high quality level.

MASMI Ucraine

We commissioned XPLANE after a recommendation from our client for a combined qualitative and quantitative piece of research. The qualitative phase consisted of 15 in-depth telephone interviews (five per three different customer groups) and was completed in June 2016. The quantitative phase is yet to commence but we have every confidence it will be as smooth as the initial phase.
We would recommend XPLANE for research in Moldova.